Zodiac signs and their nature(Vata, Pitta and Kafa)
In astrology signs have given their natural element which vata, pitta and kafa so what are thatvata means vayu(air) , […]
In astrology signs have given their natural element which vata, pitta and kafa so what are thatvata means vayu(air) , […]
Punarphoo Dosha Whenever Saturn and Moon are conjunct or opposite to each other in a chart then this yoga known
Ashtakoot Guna Milan is an astrological system of matching the compatibility factor of the bride and the groom before getting
There are three different Nadis Adi / Adhya / Aadh (start), Madhya (middle) and Antya (end) and they represent “Prakriti”
In astrology zodiac signs have given title according to their natural karakattwa which are given below : Zodiac signs are
Mahabhagya yog and Pushkal yog are considered among some of the very auspicious yogas which are formed in a horoscope
In Indian Vedic Astrology Rahu & Ketu have been considered as planets but they don’t have any physical existence in
We will try to understand “Gemini” sign today ,Gemini is the third natural house of kaal purush Horoscope . I
Today i would like to shed some light upon the discomforts/disgrace people are facing in their married life, despite of
Bhrigu bindu is special point in our horoscope can be in any house or rashi in our natal chart, Bhrigu