Nakshatras and Body parts in astrology

Nakshatra & parts of the body

1) Ashwini – knee , top of feet.
2 ) Bharani – head, bottom of feet.
3 ) Krittika – waist , hips joins , crown of head .
4 ) Rohini – legs, forhead , ankles ,shins, claves of legs.
5 ) Mrighashira – eyes , eye-brows.
6 ) Ardra – hair , eyes , Back & front side of head (where Brain’s controlling mechanism & located )
7 ) Punarvasu – finger & nose .
8 ) Pushya – mouth face , connects to facial expressions , bones joints , elbows .
9 ) Ashlesha – nails , knuckles , kneecaps , ears .
10 ) Magha – nose , lip , chin.
11 ) Purva falguni – sexual organs , lips, right hand .
12 ) Uttar falguni – sexual organs , left hand.
13 ) Hasta – hands .
14 ) Chitra – forehead & neck .
15 ) Swati – teeth ,chest , breathing process .
16 ) Vishakha – Upperlimbs , arms & breasts .
17 ) Anuradha – astral fires in the body , hearts , breasts , stomach, bisala, womb .
18 ) Jyestha – tongue , neck , right side of torso .
19 ) Mula – both feet , left side of torso and back .
20 ) Purva ashada – both thighs .
21 ) Uttara ashada – both thighs and waist .
22 ) Shravana – ears , sex organs , gait .
23 ) Dhanista – back & anus .
24 ) Shatabisha – both side of chin , jaw , right thigh.
25 ) Purva bhadrapada – two side of body , ribs , abdomen , sides of legs , left thigh , soles of feet .
26 ) Uttar bhadrapada – two sides of body , sides of legs , shins , soles of feet ,
27 ) Revati – armpits , abdomen , groin.

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